X230T Pinch to Zoom (touchscreen) not working on W10. instead, when I connect to a Windows 10 laptop, in touch mode, it is not possible to zoom using the PINCH gesture. my touch and pen input is working fine on Windows 10 (one of the newer builds) just the pinch to zoom with the touchscreen is not working altough I had it working about a year ago on a different install and on Windows 7 as well.

It zooms in a crazy amount and out a crazy amount. To limit the zoom: maximum-scale will control how much the users can zoom in. Press Start button on the keyboard, type Mouse & Touchpad settings and select the top most search result. Microsoft has started to work on a fix to the Chromium’s pinch-zoom issue. I'm now on Windows 10 and I can still not zoom with the touchpad on my Laptop Although restart the mac, the trackpad will only work fine on pinch zoom Thread: Windows 10 Touchpad Gestures Not Working on my nerves is that good old Pinch to Zoom isn't working as i do a lot of 3D modeling. Sadly I am not a computer techy, just frustrated, elderly and 'zoomed' out!! Therefore simple instructions would be appreciated No, we currently do not support the pinch zoom gesture: Hold the Ctrl key and scroll vertically to zoom on Windows, (note this is not a smooth zoom, it steps by 10%). On a new G5 Dell running Win 10, in Elements 2019, pinch/spread to zoom doesn't work.