If the monk isn’t there, simply travel to Firelink Shrine and return. Where do you go to get DLC for ashes of Ariandel? Hear this out loudPauseAs you might expect, The Ringed City is the most challenging piece of content available within Dark Souls 3 designed for players who have reached level 100 plus and completed the base game or Ashes of Ariandel beforehand. What level should you be for ringed city? It only features two bosses - granted, both are extremely cool, and one of them is easily the most hilariously tough boss fight in the series so far -and a handful of new weapons and armor. Hear this out loudPauseAll said, Ashes of Ariandel took me somewhere between three and five hours to see more or less all it has to offer.

If you haven’t beaten the final boss of the game, then you’ll need to complete that milestone before trying to access the new area. The first way is to have completed the main game and beaten the final boss. Hear this out loudPauseThere are currently two separate ways for players to access The Ringed City DLC. Speak to himthen agree to be given a rotten scrap of painting at which point you will be transported to the beginning of the DLC. Hear this out loudPauseIn order to access Ashes of Ariandel, players must purchase and download the DLC, then proceed to speak to an NPC at the Cleansing Chapel Cathedral of the Deep. This means you’ll be fighting tougher monsters, facing more difficult bosses, and, more importantly, finding gear designed for much higher-level characters.

Hear this out loudPauseReach Level 70 As usual, From Software has designed Ashes of Ariandel to be an experience for high-level characters in Dark Souls 3.

What level should I be for Ashes of Ariandel DLC? Fast-travel to the Sister Friede bonfire.

You can get there by traveling to the bonfire of the same name, turning around, and taking the ladder up to the attic. Hear this out loudPauseIf you have finished the Ashes of Ariandel DLC, make sure to talk to the painter in the attic of the Ariandel Chapel. How do I get to the Ashes of Ariandel ringed city?